
FD7 Dream Body Challenge
Calling all Fighterdiet warriors in the making for a brand new 7 week long program designed to teach you everything you need to know to fall in love with eating more than you’ve ever dared, to become healthier, happier and stronger day by day.
The FD7 Course Material
The FD7 Dream Body ebook is 153 pages long filled with ‘fitness magazine style’ lists, tips, ‘stories of my bodybuilding life’, step-by-step tutorials and easy to comprehend cut to the chase informative lessons.
The FD7 Workouts
Each workout provides details and tips for adjusting or swapping out exercises and no guesswork required about what to do next time! The progressively more challenging routines shows you how to build muscle continuously.
FD7 Cardio & Stretching
The book is equipped with fresh cardio workouts and a stretch routine to optimize mobility and increase range of motion so you can increase muscle adaptation.
Who is FD7 For?
The FD7 Dream body book program targets the new-comers, but, everyone who’s done a previous Fighterdiet challenge with me should consider this challenge to enjoy reading while you’re doing your cardio, stretching or when you need to remember your fitness goal!
All students of FD7 and all my clients who join FD7, prepare yourself for getting addicted because it’s my goal to make you hooked on Fighterdiet. Why? That’s how you stay in love for eternity with fitness life and I am proof of it!
2022 is the year of new, new here at Fighterdiet and I’m fulfilling my personal life commitment I made 1999, at the age of 17 and started my own body dream pursuit.
My life goal was to earn Professional Fitness status in order to be granted a Green Card, leave Sweden and move to California to live my fitness life dream.
Well, dreams DO come true when you fight for all you’ve got and here I am motivating, inspiring and pushing you all to follow your heart, fight for your body, achieve your body dream! Just like I did.
When you sign up for FD7 you become one in my Fighterdiet Warrior community on Facebook, there you meet your coach team who will support you, cheer on you and reassure you that yes the meals are supposed to be that big and be filling, yes you have dessert, yes you do it right, yes trust yourself and our main goal as the Fighterdiet coach team is to empower you and make you so independent and educated about what truly matters in nutrition, dieting, health, body shape, body fat, food selection and have the insight to see through all junk food and fad diet marketing on social media and in mainstream media!
With me, Pauline, as your leader you are uniting yourself with an international fitness community focused on taking charge over our lives via the life of bodybuilding.
This community provides a safe haven, a family, a support system, a refuge and a place to feel welcome and appreciated.
No body shaming or cyber-bullying is acceptable and we do all we can to make you feel safe and cared for with us
The book will serve as a reminder of why this is important for you and the more you spend time you turn page after page the more you’ll realize how easy it is to become healthy, happy and love fitness life! and ….when you love it, you’re doing it out of your heart and that is why you will succeed, conquer and reach Fighterdiet Nirvana!
With love, Pauline Nordin Founder of Fighterdiet
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