Victoria Roman Jaimes
Victoria Roman Jaimes 150 150 Pavel Ythjall“FD7, or Fighter diet Academy as I’ve come to know it, is an essential instrument in lifelong learning for nutrition, fitness, and a simple how-to in Pauline’s methodology. Not only do we get to learn about the Fighterdiet way of life on how to eat big to lose big, as well as receive amazing fitness blueprints on howto build muscle and lose fat, but we also get access to Pauline Nordin. Pauline is an amazing trainer with years of experience who lays these amazing tools at our feet to use. We get instruction,assistance, modifications, support, and camaraderie in FD7. I have even had the privilege to receive phone calls and exchange emails with Pauline herself. The most concise way to say it is if you want to feel great,look great, and keep learning, you need to sign up for FD7 like I and many others have done.”
-Victoria Roman Jaimes