
Kris Spivey

Kris Spivey

Kris Spivey https://fighterdiet.com/wp-content/themes/movedo/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Pavel Ythjall Pavel Ythjall https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3536b75682e44e3ed577bfbf1c964170?s=96&d=mm&r=g

“In five months, I have lost a total of 38 pounds since January 2021 and have completely changed my body composition from severely obese, uncomfortable, and unhealthy to strong, fit, vibrant, and healthy. I am not only physically but mentally and emotionally fit and healthy, and I have myself, Pauline,the coaches at FD, and the massive community of supportive FD athletes who are now some of my dearest friends to thank for that! Fighterdiet will completely change your life. Do not hesitate! Many things in life are difficult, and change can be uncomfortable,choose your hard!”

-Kris Spivey