
Intermittent fasting for a Lean Body?

Intermittent fasting for a Lean Body?

Intermittent fasting for a Lean Body? https://fighterdiet.com/wp-content/themes/movedo/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Pavel Ythjall Pavel Ythjall https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3536b75682e44e3ed577bfbf1c964170?s=96&d=mm&r=g

Intermittent fasting for a Lean Body?

It’s trendy right now to follow a structured fast and eating window protocol, but is it really superior to regular several meals spread out throughout the day?

The short answer is NO.

5 reasons why it’s NOT superior:

1) The total of your caloric intake is what dictates fat loss or not. 

2) You can still not over eat at night (back loading) which creates a surplus and expect to lose fat. 

3) If you train many times a day (athletes) and you’re not trying to be as thin as possible to be competitive, then you’ll most likely hit the wall many times a day.

4) Training fasted in the morning will not build muscle or burn fat more efficiently than eating/drinking protein before your workout. 

5) You still need to watch your food intake. If you fast all day and then get so hungry you eat anything in any amount, then you’ll see the consequences on your waistline! You can too!