
Unsure About Joining My Challenge?

Unsure About Joining My Challenge?

Unsure About Joining My Challenge? https://fighterdiet.com/wp-content/themes/movedo/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Pavel Ythjall Pavel Ythjall https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3536b75682e44e3ed577bfbf1c964170?s=96&d=mm&r=g

Unsure about joining my challenge?

Tempted to try my fitness challenge but so new to it all you’re discouraged?

10 facts:

1. You can never fail unless you never dare to try.

2. Not sure what an exercise means or how it’s done? I have Fighterdiet coaches there, we got it for you!

3. Support is important when you start a new thing. This you get from community and coaches!

4. Vegetarian? Vegan? Allergic to certain foods? We will work it out. 

5. No gym? No problem. You need free weights and a bench. Both can be bought cheap on amazon!

6. You can be anywhere in the world and do this.

7. If you have a trip coming up, a wedding or anything else and thus feel it’s in vain to do a challenge: That’s an invalid excuse! I teach you how to work this into a lifestyle. I don’t teach you to be a fitness prisoner.

8. Injuries? They can be healed. Fat loss comes from diet primarily and that’s why you can be injured and still get lean.

9. Your interest in my program indicates you still haven’t found your own health solution. Why not try?

10. Because you’re a tough, empowered, strong person inside who just wants it to show on the outside!

Try a Fighterdiet 12 week Challenge!
* Custom day by day meals to choose from.
* Custom day by day workout program.
* 12 Week Transformation Challenge.
* Beginner and Advanced in same group.
* Workout at home or in gym.
* Part of closed Facebook Group (Community).
* Real Coaches (6 real people) there to help you (Certified Fighterdiet).
* Women only and Safe & Encouraging.
* Pauline’s weekly Live in the group.

Go here for current challenges, admission is open for Train to Build – Build Muscle Burn Fat (starts July 6th)

Build Muscle Burn Fat has workouts/meal pan you can do at home based on traditional weight training with focus on building muscle and with focus on shredding fat and getting ripped!

Included: Brand New Recipes!

Included: Our famous 12 week challenge book with added recipe book!