
Andrea Chan, a Fighterdiet Challenger & Winner!

Andrea Chan, a Fighterdiet Challenger & Winner!

Andrea Chan, a Fighterdiet Challenger & Winner! https://fighterdiet.com/wp-content/themes/movedo/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Pavel Ythjall Pavel Ythjall https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3536b75682e44e3ed577bfbf1c964170?s=96&d=mm&r=g

Andrea Chan, a Fighterdiet Challenger & Winner!

Andrea totally transformed herself! Look at these before and after images! During the course of 9 months Andrea went from out of shape to a a super athlete!

Andrea has done 3 challenges in a row as many do, participants tag on challenge after challenge to keep accountable to themselves and the group. The challenge communities are so supportive and have become indispensable for so many women.

Key to Andreas success is no secret, it is 3 consecutive challenges, being accountable with support.

Try a Fighterdiet 12 week Challenge!
* Custom day by day meals to choose from.
* Custom day by day workout program.
* 12 Week Transformation Challenge.
* Beginner and Advanced in same group.
* Workout at home or in gym.
* Part of closed Facebook Group (Community).
* Real Coaches (6 real people) there to help you (Certified Fighterdiet).
* Women only and Safe & Encouraging.
* Pauline’s weekly Live in the group.

Go here for current challenges, admission is open for Train to Build – Build Muscle Burn Fat (starts July 6th)

Build Muscle Burn Fat has workouts/meal pan you can do at home based on traditional weight training with focus on building muscle and with focus on shredding fat and getting ripped!

Included: Brand New Recipes!

Included: Our famous 12 week challenge book with added recipe book!